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Comparative Analysis: Mastodon vs. Traditional Social Media


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Comparative Analysis: Mastodon vs. Traditional Social Media
In this comparative analysis, we will look at an overview of Mastodon and six other top global social media platforms, differences in user experience, content moderation, and privacy, and how these factors influence user engagement and content strategy.

Mastodon is an up-and-coming decentralized social media platform being touted as an alternative to the post-Elon Musk X/Twitter. The site’s very existence is meant to present an alternative to social media platforms owned by large American companies or individuals. For companies and entrepreneurs, Mastodon represents an opportunity to build an organic following on a new platform that should be less susceptible to transformation based on changes in ownership. However, its decentralized “instances” mean it’s harder to reach everyone, its anti-commercial standards mean those aiming to build an audience will have to provide genuine value rather than advertising, and the smaller monthly average users mean Mastodon marketers will have to work harder for engagement. In this comparative analysis, we will look at an overview of Mastodon and six other top global social media platforms, differences in user experience, content moderation, and privacy, and how these factors influence user engagement and content strategy. 

Frame of Reference

The driving idea this research is anchored on is that the foundations of centralized social media sites such as Twitter can be unduly shaken by the decisions of one billionaire. Floundering social sites accused of destabilizing democracy are not a good foundation for a business to create an audience and brand around, and so decentralized social media is worth examining as a less risky platform for businesses to build an audience upon. 

Social media thought leaders are enthusiastic about the possibilities for Mastodon. Former Twitter enthusiasts concede that Mastodon feels sleepy and clunky compared to more popular social media sites. However, it looks promising enough that most are sticking around to see how it develops. 

That said, the masses don’t seem to feel as bullish about the platform. Over 100,000 people on Twitter said they would quit the platform for Mastodon in 2022, and according to NewScientist, just a bare 1.6 percent were as good as their word. This thought leader believes Mastodon will never scale up to the size of a Twitter or Facebook platform. 

Grounds for Comparison 

Mastodon is the biggest decentralized social media option and, thus, currently represents the most significant possibility for a paradigm shift. BlueSky, created by former Twitter employees, is another decentralized platform, but until very recently it had an invitation-only membership system and has far fewer users at the moment. 

The decentralized nature of Mastodon means its stability doesn’t depend on any one person, and thus, it is a stable foundation for marketers to build an audience. It is important to note that Mastodon’s Instances, however, can be affected by the actions of one person, so marketers will need to find a trustworthy instance or create and fund their own. 


Mastodon Overview 

Mastodon is a decentralized social network launched in 2016. It operates on open-source software and is made up of various independent servers, known as 'instances.' Each of these independently-operated instances has its own rules and moderation policies. This structure allows for greater user control and privacy. Mastodon also supports longer posts of up to 500 characters. 

Facebook Overview

Facebook, a centralized platform, is one of the most popular social media sites globally, boasting over 2.8 billion monthly active users. It offers a wide range of features. These include text and video posts, live streaming, private messaging, and various group functionalities. Facebook, while it has maintained its popularity, has been harshly criticized – and fined – for its handling of user data and privacy, its algorithmic feed, and its role in spreading misinformation.

Whatsapp Overview

WhatsApp is a centralized messaging app. Under the umbrella of Facebook, this app is one of the most popular messaging platforms in the world. It offers end-to-end encryption, calls, and the ability to send photos, videos, and documents. Its strengths include its user-friendly interface, widespread popularity, and robust security features. However, its weaknesses include concerns over privacy due to its association with Facebook and the lack of customization options compared to Mastodon.

Instagram Overview

Instagram, owned by Facebook, is a photo and video-sharing platform that has gained immense popularity due to its user-friendly interface and extensive user base. It allows users to share their life moments through photos and videos, use various filters, and interact with others through likes, comments, and direct messages. Its strengths lie in its simplicity, wide reach, and integration with other social media platforms. However, Instagram's weaknesses include its algorithm that prioritizes certain content, lack of privacy, and the potential for cyberbullying.

YouTube Overview

YouTube, owned by Google, is based on the creation and sharing of videos. It boasts a massive user base and an extensive library of content, ranging from music videos and tutorials to news and vlogs. YouTube's monetization options also provide a source of income for content creators. However, like Facebook, it has been criticized for its mishandling of user data and privacy, as well as its algorithm, which can promote harmful content. Additionally, the platform is ad-supported, which can be a drawback for some users.

TikTok Overview

TikTok is an app-based, video-sharing social networking service owned by Chinese company ByteDance. Its main strengths lies in its intuitive interface and users’ ability to create and share short videos, making it particularly popular among younger audiences. However, TikTok has faced criticism and concerns over privacy and data security, which can be seen as its main weaknesses.

LinkedIn Overview

LinkedIn, owned by Microsoft, is a professional networking platform. Its strength lies in its enormous user base of professionals and businesses. This user base of 1 billion makes it an outstanding platform for job hunting, networking, and professional development. However, its weakness could be its limited appeal to those outside the professional sphere and its relatively formal tone, which may not appeal to everyone.

User Experience

Content Moderation

  • Mastodon's content moderation relies heavily on instance administrators who set and enforce community guidelines, fostering decentralized moderation practices where each instance can establish its own rules and policies.
  • Facebook's content moderation involves a combination of automated tools, human reviewers, and community reporting mechanisms to enforce community standards and policies regarding prohibited content, hate speech, misinformation, and harmful behavior across its platform.
  • WhatsApp employs end-to-end encryption, meaning that messages and calls are encrypted by default and cannot be accessed by WhatsApp, enhancing privacy but posing challenges for content moderation, which primarily relies on user reports and automated systems to identify and address violations of its policies regarding illegal or harmful content.
  • Instagram's content moderation involves a combination of automated tools and human reviewers to enforce community guidelines, address reports of inappropriate content, and mitigate issues related to harassment, hate speech, nudity, violence, and misinformation on the platform.
  • YouTube's content moderation involves a combination of automated systems and human reviewers to enforce community guidelines, detect and remove inappropriate or harmful content, address copyright issues, and respond to user reports.
  • TikTok employs a combination of automated systems and human moderators to monitor and moderate content, targeting violations of community guidelines, including hate speech, misinformation, graphic violence, and inappropriate behavior, while also allowing users to report content for review.
  • LinkedIn employs content moderation mechanisms, including automated algorithms and human review processes, to enforce community guidelines, ensuring professional and respectful discourse while removing inappropriate or spammy content from its platform.


  • Mastodon's privacy policies prioritize user control and data ownership within its decentralized structure, allowing individuals to choose instance hosts with varying privacy standards and facilitating data portability and transparency.
  • Facebook's privacy policies outline how user data is collected, stored, and shared, often subject to frequent updates. They have faced scrutiny for their complexity and implications regarding user consent and data protection.
  • WhatsApp's privacy policies prioritize end-to-end encryption, protecting user messages and calls while also collecting limited metadata for operational purposes and facilitating communication with Facebook's broader ecosystem, subject to regional data regulations.
  • Instagram's privacy policies outline guidelines for user data collection, sharing, and security measures, including options for controlling visibility, limiting data access, and managing advertising preferences to enhance user privacy and security.
  • YouTube's privacy policies outline how user data is collected, stored, and utilized for personalized content recommendations, targeted advertising, and platform optimization while offering users control over their privacy settings and data preferences.
  • TikTok's privacy policies outline data collection practices, including user-generated content, device information, and location data, often to personalize content, improve user experience, and facilitate targeted advertising, with varying degrees of transparency and user control.
  • LinkedIn's privacy policies outline the collection, use, and protection of user data, encompassing features such as profile visibility settings, data sharing with third parties, and adherence to regulatory standards aimed at safeguarding user privacy and security.

Influence On User Engagement


Mastodon's UX emphasizes decentralization, customizable instances, and user moderation tools, fostering diverse communities and niche interests, which can enhance user engagement through tailored content and a sense of ownership within communities. Its content moderation practices, largely managed by instance administrators and community moderation, can promote a safer and more respectful environment, potentially fostering trust and sustained engagement. 

Regarding privacy, Mastodon's emphasis on user control over data and interactions may instill a greater sense of privacy and security, potentially encouraging users to engage more freely, knowing they have control over their information. Overall, these factors collectively contribute to Mastodon's unique user engagement dynamics, emphasizing community-driven interactions and privacy-conscious practices.


Facebook's user experience, characterized by personalized feeds, multimedia sharing, and extensive friend networks, encourages prolonged engagement and interaction within its ecosystem.

Content moderation on Facebook, relying on algorithms and human review, influences user engagement by shaping the quality and safety of content, fostering a sense of trust and community while mitigating harmful or inappropriate material.

However, Facebook's privacy practices, marked by data collection, targeted advertising, and occasional breaches, can impact user engagement by raising concerns about personal data security and privacy, leading to varying levels of trust and participation among its user base.


WhatsApp's user experience, defined by streamlined messaging, end-to-end encryption, and multimedia sharing, promotes frequent and convenient communication among users, fostering high engagement levels within its platform.

As WhatsApp does not store user messages on its servers due to its end-to-end encryption, content moderation primarily focuses on combating spam and enforcing community standards through reporting mechanisms, contributing to a generally private and secure environment conducive to user trust and engagement.

These privacy-focused practices, coupled with its simple and reliable interface, contribute to WhatsApp's high user engagement levels by providing a platform where users feel confident sharing sensitive information and communicating freely with others.


Instagram's user experience, characterized by visually immersive photo and video sharing, stories, and explore features, fosters high levels of user engagement by offering a dynamic and interactive platform for self-expression and discovery.

Content moderation on Instagram employs both automated systems and human review to enforce community guidelines and maintain a positive user experience, which influences user engagement by promoting a safe and respectful environment conducive to active participation.

However, Instagram's privacy practices, including data collection for targeted advertising and occasional privacy controversies, may influence user engagement by affecting user trust and perceptions of privacy, prompting varying levels of engagement and interaction within the platform.


YouTube's user experience, offering a vast library of user-generated and professional content, personalized recommendations, and community interaction, fosters high levels of user engagement by catering to diverse interests and preferences. Content moderation mechanisms on YouTube aim to maintain quality and safety standards through algorithms and human review, influencing user engagement by ensuring a conducive environment for content discovery and interaction. 

At the same time, privacy practices regarding data collection and targeted advertising can impact user trust and engagement based on perceptions of privacy and data security.


TikTok's user experience, characterized by short-form videos, viral challenges, and easy-to-use editing tools, encourages high levels of user engagement by fostering creativity, entertainment, and community interaction within its platform. Content moderation efforts on TikTok focus on maintaining a positive and safe environment through algorithmic filters and human review, which influences user engagement by ensuring a supportive atmosphere for content creation and consumption. 

At the same time, its privacy practices concerning data collection and usage can impact user trust and engagement based on perceptions of privacy and data security.


LinkedIn's user experience, tailored for professional networking, facilitates career connections, industry insights, and skill development, fostering high engagement levels among users seeking career advancement and professional opportunities. Content moderation on LinkedIn focuses on maintaining a professional and respectful discourse, ensuring the quality and relevance of content shared within the platform. 

At the same time, its privacy practices regarding data protection and user control contribute to a sense of trust and confidence, influencing user engagement by promoting a secure and transparent environment for networking and collaboration.

Influence On Content Strategy


Mastodon's decentralized user experience, customizable instances, and emphasis on user moderation and control influence content strategy by enabling niche communities and diverse discussions with reduced reliance on central authority or algorithms. 

Its content moderation mechanisms, enforced by instance administrators and community standards, encourage user-driven curation and foster trust, shaping content strategies towards authentic engagement and community-building rather than mass appeal or virality.


Facebook's UX, characterized by personalized feeds and extensive social connections, along with content moderation policies, which balance community standards and free expression, shape content strategy by prioritizing engagement-driving content while navigating concerns over misinformation and harmful content. 

Additionally, Facebook's privacy practices, including data collection and targeted advertising, impact content strategy by influencing user trust, perceptions of privacy, and the balance between personalized content delivery and privacy concerns.


WhatsApp's user-friendly interface and end-to-end encryption foster secure and convenient communication, shaping content strategy towards private and personal interactions rather than public sharing. 

Limited content moderation on WhatsApp primarily targets spam and abusive behavior, allowing for a more user-driven content strategy focused on direct communication and group interactions within trusted circles, while its stringent privacy practices, including minimal data collection and encryption, bolster user trust and further emphasize privacy in content strategy decisions.


Instagram's visually engaging interface, featuring photo and video sharing, stories, and explore pages, directs content strategy toward visually compelling and interactive posts that drive user engagement and discovery. 

Content moderation efforts on Instagram, aimed at maintaining a positive environment and enforcing community guidelines, shape content strategy by encouraging authentic and visually appealing content creation, while its privacy practices regarding data collection and targeted advertising influence content strategy by balancing personalization with user trust and privacy concerns.


YouTube's user-friendly interface, extensive content library, personalized recommendations, and community features shape content strategy toward diverse video creation to cater to a wide range of interests and preferences, driving user engagement. 

Content moderation mechanisms on YouTube, employing algorithms and human review, influence content strategy by ensuring a balance between maintaining a safe platform and fostering content creation and discovery. 

At the same time, privacy practices regarding data collection and advertising can impact content strategy by influencing the user's trust and perception of the platform's handling of personal information.


TikTok's user-centric interface, short-form video format, and interactive features shape content strategy towards creating engaging and entertaining content that resonates with diverse audiences, driving user participation and virality. 

Content moderation efforts on TikTok, combining algorithmic filters and human review, influence content strategy by maintaining a positive and safe environment for creativity and self-expression. At the same time, its privacy practices regarding data usage and transparency contribute to user trust and influence content creation decisions to align with community standards and privacy expectations.


LinkedIn's professional-focused user experience, emphasizing networking, career advancement, and industry insights, guides content strategy towards informative and professional content that adds value to users' careers and networks, fostering engagement and credibility within the platform. 

Content moderation on LinkedIn focused on maintaining a professional discourse and enforcing community standards, influences content strategy by encouraging authentic and relevant contributions, while its privacy practices regarding data protection and user control contribute to trust and confidence, shaping content strategy towards fostering meaningful connections and professional growth while respecting user privacy preferences.

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